Silver Kidd- from Tokyo to the world. Fuyu, Bubby, AssH, and Nyk come together from different corners of the globe to unite their unique, individual sounds into music that transcends all borders.
2歳からドラムを叩き始める。ニューヨークへ転居後、9歳の時よりハーレムのジャズクラブでセッションに参加。1995年に自身のバンドStandpipe Siameseを結成し、CBGB、Knitting Factoryを始めとするニューヨークの名門ライブハウスで数多く演奏を重ねる。1997 年から1998年にかけてShania Twainとマディソン・スクエア・ガーデンで共演。映画『FAME』の舞台としても有名なラ・ガーディア高校に在学中、ワーナー・ミュージック・ジャパンよりメジャーデビューを果たし、「Gates」「Jumbo Shrimp」の2枚のアルバムをリリース。2004年からマンハッタンにあるトリニティー・バプティスト教会のメインドラマーになる。アルバム「JAZZ TIME」では、Gary BartzやGreg Bandyと共演、アルバム「Heavy Cats」でHiram Bullockと共演、SOULIVE / 122 Japan Tourに参加。2005年にはR&B女性ボーカルグループ『ALLURE』のミュージック・ディレクター兼ドラマーとして、翌2006 年にニューヨーク・オールスター・ゴスペルのドラマーに抜擢され、3日間マディソン・スクエア・ガーデンで演奏する。2007 年からはニューヨークで『AMOUNT BOYZ』『ALLURE』また、Trinity Baptist Churchのゴスペルライブのメインドラマーとして活動する。2009 年から拠点を東京に移し、様々なアーティストのレコーディングやライヴにも数多く参加している。SONYやUNIQLOのCMやジャズもこなす、日本で最もマルチで人気の高いドラマーの一人。2016年よりEXILE ATSUSHI率いるRED DIAMOND DOGSのメンバーとして活動中。
Born in Osaka, Japan and raised in New York,
Fuyu started playing drums at age two, and started performing at jazz clubs in Harlem at a very early age.
While attending La Guardia High School where he studied Music and Performing Arts, he formed a band called “Standpipe Siamese”. The band was active in various New York City clubs (CBGB, Knitting Factory, etc). He gained prominence in the scene with his band’s debut from Warner Music Japan with 2 albums “GATES” and “Jumbo Shrimp”.
In 2004, Trinity Church Gospel Live in Manhattan assigned him as their main drummer.
The following year, he became the drummer and music director for the female R&B group, “ALLURE”.
These success led him to perform in the New York All Star Gospel at Madison Square Garden in 2006, as well as the drummer for ’’AMOUNT BOYS” in 2007.In 2009, Fuyu moved his activities to Tokyo. Since then, he is one of the most influential and demanding musicians in Japan. His dynamic and highly skilled performances solidified him as an irreplaceable drummer.Known as “The best gospel drummer in Japan”, Fuyu has attracted, played and recorded for mega artists from various genres, such as EXILE, ATSUSHI, MISIA, JUJU, Shikao Suga, Kumi Koda, Kaname Kawabata (CHEMISTRY), Mika Nakashima, Yuu Sakai and more.
Besides Live / TV performance and recordings, his drum sound is heard on various commercials for major Japanese enterprises (e.g., SONY, UNIQLO).According to endorser, TAMA Drums, “Fuyu’s sound, groove, technique, and powerful performance cannot be seen elsewhere. He is one of the most talented all-round drummer in Japan.”
In 2016, Fuyu formed a band with EXILE ATSUSHI called “Red Diamond Dogs”.Fuyu has played and/or recorded with: Allure, Shania Twain, Hank Jones, Soulive, Hiram Bullock, Dj Logic, Robert Randolph & The Family Band, Dj Kensei, Alvin Slaughter, Amount Boyz, Gary Bartz, Joey Ramone (Ramones), Martha Munizzi, Jon Cowherd, Chris NunezBubbyBASS
14歳の時にベースを始め、最初のステージは父が牧師を務めるミシガン州フリント市の教会。ゲームデザイナーを目指しロスアンゼルスに引っ越すが、手違いにより入学できず音楽に専念することを決心。前向きな考え方と音楽に対する追求心に導かれ、厳しい業界の中でもトップクラスのミュージシャンとのステージを重ね世界最高級のベースプレイヤーとして認められる。これまでにスヌープ・ドッグ、ドクター・ドレー、ルーペ・フィアスコ、ジェネ・アイコ、AI、EXILE the Second、スティービー・ワンダーなど数々の大物アーティストとの経歴を持つ。
Bubby Lewis began playing the bass at the age 14. A son of a pastor, his first performance in front of an audience was at his father’s church in Flint, Michigan. During those early years, Bubby realized his love and passion for music would lead him forward. Bubby made his way to Los Angeles to attend video game design, only to find that he was not enrolled in the school. And so music it was; alone in the competitive world of A-List players Bubby’s positive attitude and drive to learn and succeed soon led him to real connections and acceptance from one world class artist to the next. Bubby went on to work with Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Lupe Fiasco, Jhene Aiko, AI, EXILE the Second, Stevie Wonder and many others.AssHGUITAR
AssH works as a guitarist and artist in his own right, performing not only for fans in Japan but all over the world. He’s currently on tour with AI for 2022 and has shared the stage with countless artists of all genres.NykVOCAL
アメリカ合衆国オレゴン州ポートランド市の出身。17歳の2010年の夏、歌手になる夢を追いかけ単身来日。日本テレビ系列人気特番「のどじまん THE ワールド!」で3度の優勝を果たし、現在はニコラス・エドワーズとしてユニバーサルミュージックジャパンに所属し自身の作詞作曲のみならず楽曲提供も。
アーティスト兼クリエイターとして活動中。これまでにフルアルバム6枚を含む豊かなディスクオグラフィーを持つ。他にも、映画や舞台、ランウェイなどの出演を経て俳優・モデル、そして新たに公式 YouTube ニックちゃんねる を開設し活動の場を広げている。母国語の英語はもちろん、日本育ちに間違われるほど堪能な日本語で繰り広げる日米の文化に対するコメンタリーが面白いと人気急上昇中。
Born and raised in Portland, Oregon Nyk moved to Japan in the summer of 2010 at 17 years old to chase his dream of becoming a singer in Japan. After winning the televised singing competition ‘Nodojiman The World!’ 3 times, he currently releases his self-written Japanese language music through Universal Music Japan by the name Nicholas Edwards. Working also as a writer and producer, Nyk has released 6 full albums of his own along with various projects for other artists. Starring in movies and stage productions, walking major runway shows, and recently surpassing 100,000 subscribers on his personal YouTube channel, he continues to entertain fans in a variety of mediums.